Holy Week 2023 Reflections

We usually think of Jesus as this meek and mild person, radiating so much love and gentleness, that you can feel perfectly at ease with Him.

But that’s not how the Passion narratives paint Him.

In the Monday right after Palm Sunday (Mark 11:12), Jesus was outraged at what He saw at the Temple. It was meant to be a holy place where people can commune with God, but it was converted into a marketplace where people do commerce with goods.

It made His blood boil so much that He overturned tables of the money changers and benches of those selling doves. What’s more, He even barricaded merchandise from entering the temple courts.

He raised a ruckus so big that the chief priests and the teachers of the law connived how to kill him. Mind you, not just how to stop Him, but how to remove Him from the face of the earth.

Make no mistake. This is a Jesus Who is not meek and mild, but mean and wild!


1.  Actually, at the end of Palm Sunday, Jesus visited the temple and likely saw what He saw the following Monday (Mark 11:11). But because it was late, He did nothing.

When we are doing something wrong and God is not apparently calling our attention, never mistake the silence as His approval.

2. The same Mark 11:11 says that Jesus looked around at everything on the Temple courts. In the same way, Jesus sees everything about us.

Would there be something that will make His blood boil? Why wait for that to happen? Why not start ordering our hearts right with God?

3. When I think about it, it is good Jesus is not a softie Savior. I am glad that He strove for what is right when He drove the money changers away.

Because it means that He strove for what is right for ME when He died on the Cross to take my iniquities away.

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